Life in Leisure: The Blog

Your Guide to Slowing Down and Finding Order at Home & On the Go

Home Organization, Organizing Essentials Jennifer Johnson Home Organization, Organizing Essentials Jennifer Johnson

Your Guide to Bedroom Closet Organization

As the weather (finally!) begins to warm up here in the Pacific Northwest, I’ve begun swapping out my thick sweaters for denim shorts and breezy linen tops! As I’ve been packing up my cozy winter knits, I’ve made it a point to survey what I have and donate any pieces I no longer love. With the changing of the seasons, now is the best time to take a look at your clothes, minimize your wardrobe, and refresh your closet!

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Home Organization, Organizing Essentials, Kids Jennifer Johnson Home Organization, Organizing Essentials, Kids Jennifer Johnson

Playroom and Toy Organization 101

It’s no secret that picking up every single mess your kids make can be overwhelming, no matter how much you want your kids to be creative and have fun in their playroom. Well, what if I told you there was a way to create a space for your kids that promotes both creativity AND organization? Today we’re sharing all of our best tips on playroom and toy organization!

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Home Organization, Organizing Essentials Jennifer Johnson Home Organization, Organizing Essentials Jennifer Johnson

7 Steps to an Organized Garage

The garage, often overlooked and underestimated, is actually one of the most valuable spaces in our homes! Yet, this storage area is often one we take for granted. Today, we’re transforming this neglected space into a well-organized and functional part of your home. Because when you reclaim and optimize your garage space, every member of your family benefits!

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Jennifer Johnson Jennifer Johnson

Your Guide to Spring Cleaning + Organizing

With spring come new beginnings, which is probably why so many people begin the season with spring cleaning! This annual tradition gives us a chance to freshen up our homes, reset our lifestyle, and get prepped for a summer full of sunshine and fun without any of the stress and mess. So we’ve pulled together some of our favorite spring cleaning tips, tricks, and tasks to cover every area of your home!

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Home Organization Jennifer Johnson Home Organization Jennifer Johnson

Instant Office Organization

Ready or not, today we are going to tackle office organization! For me personally, an organized office leads to increased productivity and greater efficiency. Two things we could all benefit from! So I'm sharing all my secrets and tips to make your home or work office a more productive and efficient space. First, let's talk about papers!

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